Best Font For Letterhead – What to Consider When Selecting the Rightest Font

There are some things that you have to consider when designing business letterhead and one of them is the font used. The wrong picking up of the font will impact the entire design of the letterhead and reduce the readability. In this way, whatever your goal to use the letterhead can’t be achieved. Here are several things you have to think carefully when choosing the best font for letterhead.

#1. Readability

The font used in your letterhead is meant to make it easier for the recipients of your letter to read the information contained. In this way, you need to make sure that the font used is readable. Just remember that you can have the coolest looking font on Earth. However, the cool font will be useless if no one can read it. To help you improve the readability level of the best font for letterhead, you can also use different features such as colors, spacing, and sizes. It will be better if you pick up the one with good contrast between the text coloring and the letterhead’s background.

#2. Serif VS Sans Serif

There are two different main options in the font selection, they are serif and sans serif. Before choosing the best font for letterhead, you need to know the difference between the two. Serif font comes with extra embellishments you can find at the end of each letter. This is aimed to make it easier for the users to differentiate letters if you place them close from one to another. The serif font will be suitable for the most texts with a large portion. Meanwhile, the sans serif is considered to be more basic and will be perfect the most if you want to avoid flourishes. They look simpler but more eye-catching and attractive.

#3. Appropriately Combine the Fonts

When creating a letterhead, you can combine the font styles and sizes to make it more attractive. Since the letterhead tends to formal, you need to keep in mind to avoid bulky combination. This will make the design of the letterhead looks too “overwhelming”. The simple combination is also needed to avoid your clients distracted from the content of the letterhead. In this way, it will be better if you keep the font combination as simple as possible.